Simplify: Less is the new More

The first week of August is national “Simplify your Life” week. Seems easy enough, right? Sometimes though, it can be downright overwhelming. With crazy schedules and growing responsibilities, we are always rushing around and looking to cut corners. Here are some of helpful tips that may help calm the chaos:

1. Limit the incoming. Paper, mail, phone calls. Get on the do not call list to limit the incoming phone calls. Call companies who send you junk mail and ask for your address to be removed from their files. Get your bills and financial statements online. Regularly delete messages from your answering machine and inbox.

2. Paper Management. Your filing system should have current items only – you don’t need grocery receipts from 1985. Go through your mail every single day and shred unnecessary paper. Have a special place for bills (a basket, a holder) and label them when you open them with the date and amount due. Keep stamps and a pen with the bills to make paying them more efficient.

3. Plan the night before. Before you go to bed each night, prep things for the morning. Your clothing, work bag, car keys, school items for the kids, gym bag, grocery list, items that you have to return to the store after work. Keep these items in one place and train yourself to look at that spot before walking out the door. You’ll never forget anything again.

4. If you haven’t used it in the past year, toss it. Give clothing and shoes to Goodwill, sell used electronic equipment on line, donate items that are still good. DE-CLUTTER. When there’s less stuff laying around and everything is in its place, you just physically FEEL better. More in control. Less stressed. It’s one of the founding principles of feng shui.

5. Plan meals a week in advance. Cook in bulk. Cook large meals and freeze them. This saves not only time but money.

6. Give everything its own place. Keys are on a table next to the door. Book bags hang on a hook in the mud room, even specific grocery items have their place in the pantry. That way when that space is vacant, you know you’re out of that item.

7. Keep a “to do” list. Prioritize what needs to be done each day. Check things off your list. It gives you a sense of accomplishment and keeps you motivated.

And don’t forget to take time out for YOU. Have a getaway space. Be it your bedroom, a spare room, a bathroom or even a corner of a room; make an area that is your sanctuary. A calming, relaxing space that is uncluttered, organized and stress-free.

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