Oprah Winfrey turned 60 this year. When asked if she had any regrets, this is what she had to say,
“I think the hardest part of aging really is recognizing the time that you wasted and the things that you worried about that really didn’t matter. That’s really the hardest part, that’s really the only regret that I have.”
How right she is.
Her statement made me think about all the time I waste daily on stupid, ultimately pointless things. Example: I have friends from out of town coming to stay with me in about two weeks. Well, you would think the Queen of England was popping by for a spot of tea. I instantly made a list: 1) rip up carpet in unused bedroom and replace with hardwood, 2) get all of the spring landscaping clean up done NOW, 3) mulch everything (70+ bags of mulch), 4) replace kitchen screen door, 5) fix windowsill on left garage window, 6) buy a new throw blanket for the chair in the living room because the one I have now attracts too much cat hair….the list went on, but you get the picture. I OBSESSED about this list every spare moment I had, working outside to near exhaustion because I HAVE to get everything done in time. Will these people actually notice that every square inch of gardening bed is completely weed free and evenly mulched? Probably not. Will they notice the new $30 red throw blanket on the back of the chair which seems to attract less cat hair than the other perfectly good throw? Doubtful. But I do this to myself every day! Not just in this one situation. Gotta pluck that single eye brow hair because it’s clearly out of place. I am totally out of groceries but refuse to go to the grocery store until the zit on my forehead goes away. Because people will hone right in on that baby and stare at it like I have three heads. Best to starve for now. I don’t need that humiliation.
I think about how much physical stress I put on my body needlessly. When I occasionally do catch myself fretting, I stop and take note of my body. My abs are tight. My teeth are clenched (I actually broke part of a molar last year from clenching me teeth too hard – no lie – and I have healthy teeth!). My face is in a scowl (can you say ‘wrinkles’?). My head aches. And who knows what else is going on internally. We all know that too much stress is NOT good for you. And I’m wasting it on STUPID things. I’m cutting my life short over wondering if that vague Facebook post was about me, and feeling incredibly guilty because I ate a cupcake.
The madness must end. We ALL need to listen to Oprah on this one. Stop worrying about that five pounds you put on over the winter. Stop obsessing about every single tiny physical imperfection. Stop wondering what she REALLY meant by that statement. Stop fretting over what others think, especially those who honestly don’t matter. Instead, practice mindfulness. Practice gratitude. Be YOU unapologetically. Laugh, be thankful and believe in yourself. Be kind to others whether or not they deserve it. Live with purpose. Let go of anger and fear. You’ll live longer and you’ll be happier. Now excuse me while I go shopping for a new pillow case because it clearly doesn’t match the other one…..