Am I Warm, Cool or Somewhere In Between?

Choosing the right lipstick shades can seem as daunting as picking the perfect wedding dress. Luckily Honeybee Gardens offers sample sizes on our web site, so you can play around a bit before committing to a full sized tube. But you probably want to narrow the search when selecting samples.

When it comes to lipstick shades, there are three different categories: cool shades, neutral shades and warm shades. And there are three methods to finding out which one is right for you. First is the color test. Find some make-up that is orange-y and another that is either a pink or light purple. Take the orange and apply is to your cheek. Do the same with the pink/purple on the other cheek. Look in the mirror. It should be obvious that one doesn’t look “right” on you. If orange looks good, it means warm shades will be best for you. If the purple or pink looks better, stick with the cool shades. If it’s neither or both, neutrals may be your answer.

Method two is the vein test (it’s not as gross as it sounds). Look at the veins on your inner wrists in natural light (go outside or stand near a window). If they appear bluish, you have cool undertones. More green? You’re warm. Somewhere in between? You may be neutral.

And the third method I tend to disagree with, usually because jewelry is more a matter of taste than what looks best on a person. BUT go to the jewelry counter and pick up both a gold and a silver chain. Hold them up to your face. Which looks better? If it’s silver, you have a cool skin tone. If it’s gold, your skin tone is warm.

Naturally, warm colors tend to look best on skin with warm undertones. Mediterranean, most Hispanic, Latino and warm African complexions look fabulous with salmon pink, coral, or golden brown lips. Warm Honeybee Gardens shades include Aztec, Celestial, Karma and Desire.

Surprisingly, 80 percent of women fall into the cool category. Cool pastel shades look more natural on women with pinkish European complexions. Cool shades also work well on African skin with red undertones. Cool Honeybee shades are Soft Kiss, Valentine, Burlesque, Camelot, Goddess, Risque, Tuscany, Superstitious and Vintage Merlot.

Neutral colors are the most universal. Indeed, the most flattering lipstick shades for any complexion, pale or dark, will be on the boundary between the cool and warm palettes. Neutral lipstick colors, from soft mauve shades to true red, are also easy to wear with outfits in warm or cool shades. Popular neutral Honeybee shades include Dream, Paradise, San Francisco, Bombshell, Cherokee, Romance and Seduction.

Always remember, don’t match your lipstick with your clothes! This is a pretty common mistake, and it seems like it would be a logical thing to do, but don’t! Matching your shade of lipstick to your clothes could turn out completely disastrous. Your lipstick is supposed to compliment your skin and draw attention to your lips. It has absolutely nothing to do with your clothing choice. It is possible that your lipstick will match your outfit once in a while, but don’t do this on purpose.

One thought on “Am I Warm, Cool or Somewhere In Between?”

  1. Superstitious, which was discontinued was my favorite shade. Can you tell me which shade is closest to superstitious? Or are there any unsold that I can purchase?

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