My Meeting with the Nutritionist and the Secret to Losing Weight


I’ve been trying to lose a few pounds on my own now for about a month. I’ve been eating about 1400 calories a day and I’m pretty active. But the scale barely moves. I decided I needed professional help.

I met with the nutritionist at my doctor’s office. She is a young girl, slight of build, pretty. I can imagine how many women meet her for the first time and think “how is THIS skinny little thing going to understand my weight problem”.

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Lemon Water Really is THAT Good

I know I talked about this last year, but I’ve been doing the lemon water thing for several months now and I can honestly say I see benefits. I find that it aids in digestion, wakes me up in the morning and somehow encourages me to make healthier choices throughout my day. The proven health benefits are numerous. This is an article by Jim Dillan for Healthy Ambition which spells it all out.

The Many Health Benefits of Lemon Water 11/13/2013

Lemon water is a simple and surprisingly healthy internal cleanser to start your day with. I certainly noticed a difference myself when I first started having the juice of a whole lemon in water first thing in the morning. I really like the way the sharp taste wakes you up and gets you going.

Some resources say that it’s good to have it in warm or even hot water. I suppose in this way you could use it as a healthier replacement for your morning coffee, but I personally prefer it in room temperature filtered water.
Continue reading “Lemon Water Really is THAT Good”

How To Re-Grow Your Groceries (unless you have cats)

I’m going to eat healthier (how many times have I said THAT)? But this time, I’m going all out (well, my version of all out). I’ve committed to making 80% of my diet raw and vegan. Which means a lot of fruit smoothies and salads. And I want my produce to be organic, but organic can be pricey. So I decided to save a few bucks and re-grow my own.

The idea of re-growing groceries almost sounds too good to be true, so I had to see for myself if it was really possible. I had just cut up a head of romaine lettuce, but I reserved the very bottom (the “heart”). I read on line that all you had to do was place it in a pan of water and with a little time, it will eventually sprout a whole new head of lettuce, ready to harvest, eat, and repeat the process.

So I stuck the heart in a glass of water and placed it on my kitchen windowsill. For about two days, there was nothing. Then on the third day, I noticed some growth. Within a week I had several 2-3” leaves sprouting from my romaine stump. I changed the water every day (the stump gets slimy and a bit icky), excited about my little science project. Then early into the second week, I woke up and went downstairs to feed the screaming cats (they have dry food available all the time but act like they’ve been starved for weeks until I give them their portion of canned food). When I went to the sink to refill their water bowls, I noticed an empty glass on the windowsill. Half way across the kitchen, I saw the wilted sorry remains of my lettuce project. One of the feline brats must have snatched it up in the middle of the night and used it as a cat toy. I tried to resuscitate it, lovingly placing it back into its glass of water. But it never recovered. The lettuce was no more.

I plan on trying the process again, but need to find a place where the four-legged bandits won’t get to it. Incidentally, you can also re-grow green onions, ginger, celery, pineapples, potatoes and sweet potatoes. You can find how to articles and videos on line. Some stuff re-grows quickly (like celery and lettuce). Others, like pineapples, can take2-3 years to produce fruit. And if you live in a warmer climate, you can plant your re-grow projects right in the ground. Makes sense. Instead of throwing onion stumps and lettuce hearts onto the compost pile, why not bury them and watch them grow again? Just be sure to protect them from the deer and the groundhogs and the rabbits……

Spring Cleaning, Naturally

Sure commercial, chemical-based cleaning products are convenient, but at what cost? The American Association of Poison Control Centers recorded many exposures to household cleaning substances were serious enough to require treatment in a health care facility. Testing of 20 top cleaning products commissioned by Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE) for the report Dirty Secrets revealed hidden toxic chemicals such as toluene, 1,4-dioxane, phthalates, chloroform, a synthetic musk and several known allergens. Because cleaning product companies are not required to disclose ingredients, consumers have no way to know that these chemicals are lurking in products they buy and use in their homes. In the US, 1 in 3 people suffer from allergies, asthma, sinusitis or bronchitis (US National Center for Health Statistics). Treatment for these conditions should include reducing synthetic chemicals in the home environment.

There are many inexpensive, easy-to-use natural alternatives which can safely be used in place of commercial household products. Here is a list of common, environmentally safe products which can be used alone or in combination for a wealth of household applications.

Baking Soda – cleans, deodorizes, softens water, scours.

Soap – unscented NATURAL soap or castille in liquid form, flakes, powders or bars is biodegradable and will clean just about anything.

Lemon – one of the strongest food-acids, effective against most household bacteria.

Borax – (sodium borate) cleans, deodorizes, disinfects, softens water, cleans wallpaper, painted walls and floors. Is borax safe? Borax is considered a mild skin irritant similar to baking soda. The MSDS lists borax as a health hazard of 1, similar to salt and baking soda. A health concern with borax is with its potential to disrupt the reproductive system. Studies have not been done in humans regarding this; however, potential reproductive issues in mice are suspected from high levels of ingested borax. Use of borax for home cleaning formulas, where no borax is ingested, has not been shown to pose health hazards. Borax is a natural substance which is non-carcinogenic, does not accumulate in the body, or absorb through the skin. It is not harmful to the environment.

White Vinegar – cuts grease, removes mildew, odors, some stains and wax build-up.

Cornstarch – can be used to clean windows, polish furniture, shampoo carpets and rugs.

Salt – scrubbing. Thick kosher salt gives power to your elbow grease. To clean stubborn soap scum, combine baking soda and kosher salt and scrub.

Hydrogen Peroxide – disinfecting, removing stains. Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful disinfectant. To kill mildew, combine baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to create a paste, put on mildew and allow to sit for a few minutes before wiping away.

There are other healthy habits you can institute which will keep your home clean and free of toxins:

Exchange Indoor Air

Many modern homes are so tight there’s little new air coming in. Open the windows from time to time or run any installed exhaust fans. In cold weather, the most efficient way to exchange room air is to open the room wide – windows and doors, and let fresh air in quickly for about 5 minutes. The furnishings in the room, and the walls, act as ‘heat sinks’, and by exchanging air quickly, this heat is retained.

Minimize Dust

Remove clutter which collects dust, such as old newspapers and magazines. Try to initiate a ‘no-shoes-indoors’ policy. If you’re building or remodelling a home, consider a central vacuum system; this eliminates the fine dust which portable vacuum cleaners recirculate.

Use Cellulose Sponges

Most household sponges are made of polyester or plastic which are slow to break down in landfills, and many are treated with triclosan, a chemical that can produce chloroform (a suspected carcinogen) when it interacts with the chlorine found in tap water. Instead try cellulose sponges, available at natural foods stores, which are biodegradable and will soak up spills faster since they’re naturally more absorbent.

Keep Bedrooms Clean

Most time at home is spent in the bedrooms. Keep pets out of these rooms, especially if they spend time outdoors.

Use Gentle Cleaning Products

Of the various commercial home cleaning products, drain cleaners, toilet bowl cleaners and oven cleaners are the most toxic. Use the formulas described above or purchase ‘green’ commercial alternatives. Avoid products containing ammonia or chlorine, or petroleum-based chemicals; these contribute to respiratory irritation, headaches and other complaints.

Clean from the Top Down

When house cleaning, save the floor or carpet for last. Clean window blinds and shelves first and then work downwards. Allow time for the dust to settle before vacuuming.

And let’s not forget how expensive cleaning products can be. Why buy them when you can make SAFER products for just pennies using ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen? For some great natural cleaning recipes, check out our “Spring” board on Pinterest.

Why Dieting is the Worst Idea Ever

Many of my friends choose to start diets on January 1. There are varying opinions on this philosophy, some saying it’s good to have comradery since everyone else is doing it, others saying it’s not a good idea. But I found this article and thought the author’s perspective was unique. I hope you enjoy it.

BY Amanda Christian
Published on MindBodyGreen January 3, 2013

For a solid decade of my life, I dieted, lost weight, gained it back, tried a new diet, hated myself, became body obsessive and completely lost my intuitive sense of when I was actually hungry. When I finally tried what felt like every diet, and lower self-esteem was the only consistent result, I knew there had to be a better way.

I reached the point where the thought of a diet was more painful than the thought of getting honest with myself. This is when I stopped dieting.

What followed was a journey back to my true self, freedom, and a connection with my inner guide.

Below are some reasons to hop on an inner journey this year instead of another diet:

1. They are not based on your intuition.

Why would you want anyone else to tell you what and when to eat over your own intuitive knowing? Don’t look to anyone else to tell you what is right for you. When you really take note of how you feel after eating certain foods, you will naturally gravitate towards ones that nourish you. Let your intuition shine here.

2. They are often used as punishments for what you have eaten .

Food is not supposed to be stressful. Telling yourself you will start to eat “healthy” on January 1st implies an all-or-nothing mentality. There is no such thing as “good” eating days and “bad” eating days; it’s just food.

Since when did food have the power to dictate a good or bad day? You are giving that slice of cake all the meaning it has for you. No matter what you eat, make a firm decision that you will not punish yourself for it.

3. They are often very complicated .

Who really wants to count calories or weigh out portions? Eating is simple; eat what your body wants when you are hungry, and stop when you are satisfied. When you want to eat when you are not hungry, chances are there is a feeling or thought to look at and release instead.

I spent years using food to suppress my feelings, but what I have realized is that to feel them instead is not nearly as scary as we tell ourselves it will be.

4. They breed feelings of deprivation, which frequently leads to overeating .

And then the overeating leads right into some serious self-loathing and feelings of failure. All the sudden you find yourself back at #2 above. The good news is this is just a mental pattern you can change! You are innocent, beautiful and deserving of peace and happiness no matter what you do, say, eat or think.

Do not listen to the voice that tells you otherwise. Tell yourself often that you deserve happiness and love. You don’t even have to believe it. Just repeat it, but with enough repetition, eventually you will believe it.

5. Constantly doing things you don’t enjoy causes stress .

Planning out what and how much you are going to eat everyday can be stressful. I used to feel like I was in a food prison. I was scared to do anything out of my routine in case I would not be able to stay on my diet.

I often skipped social activities with my friends because I didn’t want to be tempted. This is not love; this is fear.

The truth is, you are not your body, you just have one. The body is a limit and you are limitless. Don’t wait for the promise of a diet to compel you towards change. The outer is a result of your thoughts. Set the intention to change your mind, and the body will follow. We give diets and food all the power they have for us, so this year, lets practice taking it back.

Dive into your thought system and look at the web of illusions you tell yourself about yourself. This is when our inner guides come forward and show us how to release these beliefs.

Just be willing, and the resources that you need will come to you. It might seem uncomfortable at first, but trust me; the freedom on the other side is more than a diet will ever offer you.